Loss of appetite and indigestion are closely linked entities of digestive disturbance in Ayurveda. Agnimandhya is the term used to denote loss of appetite while Ajeerna denotes indigestion. A harmonious balance of Vata and Pitta holds the essence of a normal appetite. A vitiation in their mutual balance could lead to a loss of appetite. Irregular dietary habits bring about a vitiation in Pitta while psychic problems like anxiety, fear or physical causes like suppression of impeding urges lead to an imbalance in Vata. Both these sequences lead to disturbances in normal levels of appetite. The medical term for a loss of appetite is anorexia. If you are facing this problem then get this package for complete body type analysis, medical history analysis etc. and get personalized Herbal Doctor Consultation, Personalised Diet & Lifestyle Plan, Herbal Home Remedies, Herbal Medicines/Massage Oil Recommendation, specific yoga and exercises important to reverse your Poor Apetite problems. This includes FREE Follow-ups as well.
An unhealthy liver often results in fatigue or weakness and loss of appetite. As the name suggests, the Liver Function Test contains 12 parameters that help in assessing the proper functionality of the liver and detect the presence of any damage or associated diseases. Early detection of abnormality in the liver functions may eliminate further damage to the liver and help avail effective treatment. Book liver function tests from Thyrocare at an affordable price and get home collection services.