VITAMIN B COMPLEX PROFILE A combination of 8 Vitamins namely, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12 ensures the proper functioning of the body. These vitamins obtained by the body from dietary products, are essential for various body functions like red blood cells production, boosting immunity, overcoming depression and stress, lowering bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol, breaking down fats and carbohydrates to produce energy, hormone production, improving skin, hair, and nails. Deficiency of Vitamin B can result in low hemoglobin, depression, weakness, neurological deficits, birth defects in babies, or increased chances of infections. Book a Vitamin B Complex profile at a very low cost. Also, get the home collection for this test.
Technician from Thyrocare will be assigned for a sample collection after appointment confirmation.
Sample will be collected by Technician at your address at given slot.
Soft copy report will be send to your email address within 24 to 48 hours.
APO B / APO A1 RATIO (APO B/A1), APOLIPOPROTEIN - A1 (APO-A1), and 3 more.
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