DosageFatty Liver: To get cured from fatty liver one should use 40 grams of Bhumi Amla for few days. Jaundice, Fatty Liver and Liver Health: 3-6 gms powder of fresh root of bhumi amla with milk can renew the liver. It can relieve from jaundice. Leucorrhea: 3-6 gms powder of bhumi amla with rice water gives relief. Diabetes: Take 10 to 20 ml of bhumi amla juice to reduce blood sugar. Chronic Diarrhea: Boil 50 gm of the entire plant in 400 ml water till it reduces to 100 ml. Add 5 gm fenugreek seeds to it. Take this decoction twice a day. Urinary Disorders: The leaves crushed with milk can be taken to ease the UT. Syphilis: 10-15 ml of juice can be added with cumin seed and sugar And As prescribed by the doctor
UsageTikaram Naturals Bhumi Amla is useful in the liver, blood, and skin-related problems.
Active IngredientsLeaves: Lignansniranthin, Nirtetralin, and phyltetralin chemical compounds; Seeds: Ricinoleic acid, Linoleic acid, and Linolenic acid (54%); Aerial Parts: Fisetin-4-0-glucoside.
Age Group5-years+