DosageUses and Dosage of Daruhaldi or Rasaut: 1. Ophthalmic, eye diseases - Mix Rasaut with ghee, alum and apply in eyes. 2. Stomach infection, Dysentery, acute diarrhea in children - Grind rasaut and mix with honey. Make child to lick this to cure stomach infections. 3. Piles (Bawasir), Ulcerative Colitis, Duodenal Ulcer, Infection in intestine - Take roots (5 gm) of Daruhaldi. Make decoction by boiling in water (400 ml) and take twice a day. This is beneficial in both types of piles. Rasaut can also be used for piles treatment. For this dilute rasaut in thirty times water and wash the affected areas. Also take rasaut (1/8 tbsp) in butter (1 tbsp). 4. Eye related problems, Opthalmia - Grind branch of daruhaldi and apply like kajal in eye. This is beneficial in various eye diseases. Or apply rasaut externally on eyelids. 5. Remittent fevers - Make decoction of Daruhaldi roots (5 gm), dried giloy (5 gm) and few basil leaves in water (400 ml). When water reduces to one fourth filter and drink. Take this decoction twice a day. Do this for a few days. This cures chronic fever due to any reason. 6. It also has positive effect of the liver function. Or take rasaut (1/8 tbsp) in cup of lukewarm water. 7. Jaundice - Make decoction of rasaut (1 cup), add honey and drink. 8. Boils, Ulcer, Skin diseases, wound - Grind leaves of Daruhaldi and apply on the affected areas. 9. Painful urination - Make decoction of rasaut (1 cup), add amla powder( ½ tbsp) and drink. And as Directed By Physician
Usage1. Ophthalmic, eye diseases 2. Stomach infection, Dysentery, acute diarrhea in children 3. Piles (Bawasir), Ulcerative Colitis, Duodenal Ulcer, Infection in intestine 4. Eye related problems, Opthalmia 5. Remittent fevers 6. It also has positive effect of the liver function 7. Jaundice 8. Boils, Ulcer, Skin diseases, wound 9. Painful urination
Active IngredientsRaw form
Age Group5-years+