DosageAs directed by physician
UsageIt is beneficial for high-grade fever in ayurveda),vaginitis, Fever high grade (also known as PITTAJ JWARA) Malaria Typhoid fever (NEEM GODANTI is used) Headache Chronic Fever General body aches/pains Calcium supplement Severe headache Migraine Trigeminal neuralgia Tension headache leucorrhea excessive uterine bleeding non-productive cough bleeding disorders. High blood pressure (mild effects) Headache due to high blood pressure Heart tonic Breathing trouble due to heart disease Low bone mineral density Osteoporosis Osteomalacia Joint inflammation Joint pain (mild effect) Burning sensation on joints due to rheumatoid arthritis Non-productive cough Asthma (but not beneficial in acute phase) Upper respiratory infections Vaginitis Leucorrhea Excessive uterine bleeding (along with praval pisthi) Fever after delivery Gingivitis Dental plaque
Active IngredientsGodanti
Age Group5-years+