DosageAs directed by physician
UsageDry lips,Depression,Sore throat,Urinary Tract infection,Diarrhea,Menstrual disorder,Heart stroke,Dark ciscles,Age spot,Anemia,Blemishes Natural Skin Cleanser, Skin Toner , Natural Sunscreen & Sunburn Soother Rose Infused Oil , classic cosmetic treatment , homemade skin cleanser Potpourri , Zest Up Your Food , boost the nutrient levels Rose Water, herbal rose tea , Homemade Tea , weight loss Bath Salts , Natural Wound Recovery ,Soothe A Sore Throat
Active IngredientsVolatile essential oils citronellol, geraniol, eugenol, fat, tannins (10-24%), gallic acid, flavanoids quercetin and red coloring matter.
Age Group5-years+