DosageAs directed by physician
UsageKali Jeeri has a wide range of therapeutic indication in folk medicine and traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is mainly recommendable in following health conditions:- Pruritus (Itching) Weeping eczema Psoriasis (when itching is more predominant and patient has no burning sensation) Itching in the eyes Constipation Hiccup Worm infestation, especially, roundworm and threadworm Hyperlipidemia (elevated lipids in the blood) Urinary retention (ischuria) Dysuria (Painful or difficult urination) Breast milk problems – when breast milk does not seem fresh, having a bad odor and heavy to digest for child – Kali Jeeri enhances the quality of breast milk and decreases all these symptoms. Chronic fever Internal abscess Intestinal colic Snake bite Externally, the paste of Kali Jeeri powder is applied on the skin in following conditions:- Carbuncles Boils Pimples or acne Applied over the scalp to kill Head Lice Leucoderma (4 parts Kali Jeeri + 1 Parts Hartal) Inflamed skin
Active IngredientsRaw form
Age Group5-years+