DosageWhen using horsegram or Daal Kulthi, always remember that the legume can be heat producing for the body and that is why holistic experts ask you to have it with buttermilk or cumin seeds, so that the heat of the body can be balanced. You can consume horse gram twice a day, either by powdering the roasted seeds or by consuming the same as soup or with buttermilk. There are many tasty recipes for you to indulge in with horse gram, and they also bring in the benefits desired too and as prescribed by the doctor.
UsageHorse Gram Benefits: 1. Common Cold And Fever 2. Digestion 3. Weight Loss 4. Diabetes 5. Asthma And Bronchitis 6. Menstrual Disturbances 7. Leucorrhea 8. Constipation 9. Kidney Stones 10. Urinary Discharge 11. Ulcers 12. Piles 13. Diahrrea 14. Hemorrhage And Hemorrhoids 15. Skin Rashes And Boils 16. Cholesterol 17. Conjunctivitis
Active IngredientsRaw form
Age Group5-years+