If you have kids, you must aware, how frequently they are getting sick.
Kids are frequently exposed to new infections, let's be honest through poor hygiene habits. It takes time for the immune system to develop and be able to combat these pathogens, it's typical for young children to get the sniffles, cough, and other minor problems.
The majority of the common viruses and bacteria that affect children can, thankfully, be prevented. Healthybazar offers advice on how to prevent the five most prevalent paediatric illnesses as well as useful knowledge about how to keep your child healthy and happy.
Also read: Tips For Improving Physical And Mental Health
1. common colds and flu :
Children may get many colds all year long. Contrary to popular perception, being outside in cold weather or being wet does not induce colds. Since cold viruses are airborne, they can spread through coughing or sneezing from an infected person. Regular hand washing and avoiding contact with sick people are the best ways to stave off the common cold.
Symptoms of a common cold:
* Fever
* Coughing/sneezing
* Runny or congested nose
* Unwell throat
* Pains in the body
* (Feeling tired) fatigue
2. Flu :
Especially during the autumn and winter flu seasons, influenza viruses spread quickly. The symptoms of the flu and the common cold are similar in many ways, but flu symptoms can be more severe.
The best approach to avoid getting the flu is to get vaccinated each year. Although most children may be anxious about getting shots, being bedridden for days or even weeks is preferable to getting a shot once a year.
The flu symptoms include:
* A high temperature or chills
* severe headaches or aches in the body
* A cough and/or sore throat
* Nausea or Diarrhea
* Diarrhea
* (Feeling tired) fatigue
In order to be sure they are treating the right condition, doctors can do a flu test. If a child has the flu, they should stay home from school in order to avoid spreading the illness and to get plenty of rest.
If your kid has trouble breathing, a fever exceeding 103°F (or 101°F for infants between 3 and 6 months), or a fever that lasts longer than three days, call an emergency room straight once.
Also read: Ayurvedic Remedies To Relieve Flu
3. Sore Throat:
A bacterial illness called streptococcal pharyngitis results in a sore, swollen throat. Children with strep throat should visit a doctor because the majority of cases need medicine to recover. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, the strep bacteria can spread through the air, or it can be spread on common surfaces. Along with frequently washing their hands, children should refrain from sharing food, drink, and eating utensils. Wash utensils and lunchboxes with soap and hot water.
Sore throat symptoms include:
* Itchy or sore throat
* irritated or red tonsils
* difficulty swallowing
* Fever
In most cases, your family doctor can do a sore throat test right there in the clinic. After that, they might suggest an antibiotic treatment plan.
4. Pink Eye
Conjunctivitis, sometimes known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the eye and inner eyelid. Pink eye can be brought on by a number of factors, but it is most frequently brought on by bacteria or viruses that are passed from a child's hands to their eyes. Other types of conjunctivitis are brought on by allergic reactions to airborne allergens including pollen, ragweed, or dust.
Regular hand washing and the use of any recommended allergy medications can help prevent pink eye. Remind your kids to wash their hands after playing with other people's toys, coming inside from the outside, and before touching their faces or taking out their contact lenses.
Pink eye symptoms include:
* Either pink or red the white of the eye is discoloured.
* Discomfort or itchiness in the eyes
* A scratchy sensation, as if there is something irritating, like sand, in the eye
* Flushing from the eye
* An excessive amount of tears
* An eyelid that is swollen or "sticky"
* Blurred vision
Usually, a doctor will recommend an antibiotic tablet, eye drop, or ointment. A warm compress placed over a child's eyes may also help them feel better. Allowing children to scratch or rub their eyes could make the issue worse.
Many common kids illnesses have a tendency to spread in similar ways, despite the fact that different illnesses are brought on by various parasites, viruses, and bacteria. Therefore, implementing a few preventative actions may help in preventing them.
Get vaccinations: There is a lot of false information about vaccines, but all vaccines for children are safe and effective. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommended vaccination schedule for children up to age 18 can be viewed by clicking here. If you have concerns about the safety of vaccines, speak with your doctor.
Always wash your hands: One of the most effective strategies to keep your child healthy is to instill the habit of washing their hands. Encourage children to wash their hands before and after using the toilet, before and after eating, and after returning home after outside or public play.
Cover sneezes and coughs: Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or an elbow will assist you and your child stop the spread of disease. After, don't forget to wash hands!
Eat well and work out frequently: A healthy diet and regular exercise are effective approaches to strengthen the immune system. For additional information on child nutrition from the CDC, go here.
Start early with positive habits: The need for excellent hygiene should be stressed early on. Include excellent hygiene practices in everyday routines, and don't forget to praise your youngster for a job well done.
Despite the fact that childhood illnesses are frequently encountered, many of them can be avoided with the right care and attention. Measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and polio are just a few of the infectious diseases that vaccinations are extremely important in preventing. The spread of disease can also be stopped by following good hygiene practices such as routine hand washing, covering the mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, and avoiding close contact with sick persons. Click here to consult best AYUSH based health care expert for your kids healthy and happy life.
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