
Published 15-09-2021

Is Ayurveda clinically certified For The Management Of Anemia?


Is Ayurveda clinically certified For The Management Of Anemia?

Janmejaya Samal

About two billion anemia cases globally, half of them are IDA (iron deficiency anemia). The Ayurvedic formulations studied in research by NCBI for their efficacy against anemia include Navayasa Lauha, Punarnavadi Mandura, Dhatri Lauha, Pradarantaka Lauha, Sarva-Jvara-Hara Lauha, Brihat Yakrdari Lauha, Dadimadi Ghrita, and Trikatrayadi Lauha. Find out the result of these Ayurvedic formulations in anemia compared to allopathic formulations.
Last Updated: Feb 24, 2022

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