DosageTen days priand to menstruation one dose (two teaspoonsful) to be taken at night and As prescribed by the Ayurvedic doctand
UsageVery useful to treat menstrual irregularity, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, metritis and uterine inflammation. Dosage : After menstruation till the start of next period, two teaspoonfuls to be taken at night for menstrual irregularity and dysmenorrhoea. Two teaspoonfuls to be taken at night for leucorrhoea, two teaspoonfuls mixed with lukewarm water be taken at night for metritis. In chronic cases one dose of two teaspoonfuls to be taken in the morning as well. (Only for women) As prescribed by the Ayurvedic doctor.
Active IngredientsAsgandh, Ushba, Ashok, Habbul Aas, Maeen Kalan
Age Group5-years+