
Published 28-06-2023

Understanding Grade 1 Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


Understanding Grade 1 Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Satyam Kumar

Satyam is a talented content writer and graphic designer with strong research skills. He takes pride in his speed, accuracy, and professionalism. Highly driven individual with experience in social media management and content generation. He has two years' expertise in the field. In addition to that, he is a big foodie and very approachable.

Understanding Grade 1 Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options 


The buildup of fats in the liver cells is referred to as grade 1 fatty liver frequently referred to as moderate fatty liver. Although it is a common disease, it is important to understand its causes, symptoms, and potential treatments.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD), additionally referred to as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), can strike both heavy drinkers and non-drinkers 

Fat is normally present in a healthy person's liver, where it is broken down and converted into energy. Concern arises when the fat buildup in the liver reaches 5–10% of its weight.


Who gets fatty liver disease? 


You have a higher possibility of getting fatty liver disease if you:

Are Asian in origin.

been through menopause and your periods have ceased.

possess severe obesity and abdominal fat.

a high cholesterol level, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

possess obstructive Sleep apnea, which causes breathing to pause and restart while you sleep due to a blocked airway.

What signs and symptoms indicate grade 1 fatty liver?

Since grade 1 fatty liver is typically asymptomatic, there may not be any outward signs of the disorder at first. But occasionally, persons with grade 1 fatty liver may exhibit the following signs and symptoms:

Fatigue Weakness

Discomfort or pain in the abdomen

Little abdominal bloating

Blood tests for liver enzymes that are elevated

A little increase in bilirubin levels in blood tests

Resistance to insulin

Increased likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes

Increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides

A healthcare expert should be consulted for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment because these symptoms may potentially be a sign of other medical issues. 


Experts are unsure of the exact reasons why some individuals accumulate liver fat while others do not. Similar to this, it is unclear why some fatty livers become inflamed and eventually develop cirrhosis. 

NAFLD and NASH (Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) both have connections to the following: 

Obese or overweight

When you have insulin resistance, your cells don't absorb sugar as a result of the hormone insulin.

High blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), a sign of type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes

high triglyceride levels in the blood, in particular,

These related health issues seem to encourage the accumulation of fat in the liver. Some people's extra fat works as a poison on their liver cells, triggering NASH and liver inflammation, which can result in the formation of scar tissue in the liver.

What is grade 1 fatty liver treated with?

Changes in lifestyle that attempt to lessen liver fat and enhance overall liver health are frequently part of the treatment for grade 1 fatty liver. One or more of the proposed therapies might be:

1. Loss of weight: Even a minor amount of weight loss can aid in lowering the level of liver fat.

2. Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can assist to enhance liver health and lower the chance of developing liver disease.

3. A healthy diet that is heavy in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while being low in saturated and trans fats will assist to promote liver health.

4. Avoiding alcohol: Since even moderate alcohol consumption can harm the liver, it's crucial to refrain from drinking at all costs. 

5. Taking care of underlying medical disorders: Keeping illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol under control will help lower the risk of liver disease.

6. Medication: In certain circumstances, a doctor may give medication to help regulate symptoms or lessen the amount of fat in the liver.

For accurate diagnosis and therapy, as well as to create a customised treatment plan based on unique needs and medical history, it is crucial to see a healthcare professional. In some circumstances, additional testing or a referral to a specialist may be required.


In conclusion, grade 1 fatty liver, as previously said, is mainly symptomatic but, if neglected, can proceed to more severe forms of the disease. Obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and rapid weight loss are just a few of the lifestyle choices that have been linked to this condition's causes. Treatment for grade 1 fatty liver often entails a change in lifestyle, including weight loss, exercise, a nutritious diet, and abstinence from alcohol.

It is crucial to speak with a healthcare provider if you are worried about the condition of your liver or have been told that you have grade 1 fatty liver. For those with a range of health issues visit our doctor for your better health, including fatty liver disease, Healthybazar provides individualized care and treatment strategies. You can create a strategy with the assistance of our team of skilled medical professionals to enhance the health of your liver and general wellbeing.


Last Updated: Jun 30, 2023

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