Hamdard Habbe Ayarij is useful in treating headaches, migraines, epilepsy, etc.
₹ 115₹ 120
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Hamdard Habbe Ayarij is Unani medicine useful in diseases of the brain, such as chronic headaches, epilepsy, etc. It helps to get rid of toxic substances from the brain. As it contains Ayarij Feqra (Aloe), it can act as a laxative too.
Other ingredients are added to improve efficacy and reduce side effects.
Dosage- The medicine should be taken in a dose of 3 grams at night with 125 ml Arq Gaozaban.
It is capable of curbing the root cause of disease; thus, there are very few chances of reoccurrence of the symptoms or the disease itself.
It is widely used for treatment because of its availability and cost-effectiveness. Drug usage in medicine is very minimal so that one doesn’t get addicted to the same. Controlled dosage as prescribed is safe for all age groups and gender.
2 Pills To Be Taken At Night And As Prescribed By Doctand
It Is Useful In Treating Chronic Headaches, Epilepsy And Other Diseases Of The Brain.
Active Ingredients
Safoof Ayarij Faiqra, Tukhm Soya, Turbud Safaid, Habbul Neel, Shaham Hanzal, Ghareequn, Namak Sanbhar, Arq Badyan, Asaroon, Elwa, Balchhar, Taj, Darchini, Pakhan Bed, Mastagi, Zafran
Age Group