DosageDissolve one tablet of Iksir Pyandrhoea No. 1 in a cup of water and gargle with it twice daily, then immediately after rub Iksir Pyandrhoea No. 2 on the gums, leave it fand one hour and as prescribed by doctand
Usagecombination of two medicines Tooth Powder and Mouth Wash.
Active IngredientsIksir Pyorrhoea No. 1 contains: Phitkari biryan, Suhaga kham, Kaththa safaid, Gond safaid.Iksir Pyorrhoea No. 2 contains: Post Halela zard, Sumaq, Samundar jhag, Aqarqarha, Kafoor, Kabab khandan, Gaz mazij, Gul anar, Gul surkh, Mameeran chini, Naushadar.
Age Group5-years+