DosageThe dosage of Itrifal Ustukhuddus is about 5 to 10 grams (1 to 2 teaspoons) a day. One should take it preferably with milk at bedtime.Fand premature hair greying take it along with 1 tab of Qurs Kushta Faulad and as prescribed by doctand.
Usage1. Recommended in headache and migraine. 2. Beneficial effects on brain and nerves and Triphala acts as detoxifier and helps in digestive ailments. 3. It purifies Brain and Stomach from ill secretions and catarrhal secretions. 4.Its regular use maintains black colour of hairs and reverts premature grey hair to black.
Active IngredientsPost Halela Zard, Post Halela Kabuli, Halela Siyah, Post Balela, Amla, Gule Surkh, Ustukhuddus, Bisfaij, Aftimoon, Kishmish, Roghan Badam, Shahad.
Age Group5-years+