DosageKhamira Marwareed should be taken andally in dose of 3-5 grams (Adult) and 1-2 grams (Children) accandding to age, weight, health etc and as directed by doctand.
UsageVery useful to cure weakness of heart. It provides strength to both heart and mind
Active IngredientsMarvareed (Mytilus margaritiferus pearl) 4gm,Kehruba (Vateria indica gum) 3gm,Tabasheer (Bambusa arundinasia dried exudate on node) 3gm,Yashab Mehlool (Jade) 3gm,Zeher mohra (Serpentine) 3gm,Sandal safed (Santalum album wood) 3gm,Sherbat Seb 60 ml,Sherbat
Age Group5-years+