Dosage6 grams to be taken early in the mandning and at bed time along with milk and tea and As directed by the Physician.
UsageStrong stimulant for sex centres, Removes Impotence due to weakness of nerves, recommended for old age debility.
Active IngredientsBurada Kuchla Mudabbir, Banslochan, Tukhm Konch, Salab Misri, Jadwar, Khulanjan, Darchini, Salajeet, Shaqaqul Misri, Maghz Badam Shirin, Moosli Siyah, Zanjabeel, Shahad, Baiza Murgh, Zaffran, Kushta Khabsul-Hadeed, Warq Nuqra, Sugar
Age Group5-years+