
Published 16-05-2022

A Guide to Urologists vs. Sexologists: Symptoms, Treatments & Consultations


A Guide to Urologists vs. Sexologists: Symptoms, Treatments & Consultations

Dr. Chitranshu Saxena

Dr. Chitranshu Saxena is a well-known Ayurvedic Practitioner, Medical Cannabis Practitioner, BAMS, MD, PhD (Ayurvedacharya). He has more than 9 years of experience in Ayurveda and Naturopathy. Dr. Saxena has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from chronic illnesses, providing personalized care, compassion, and effective communication. He consults in both Hindi and English language. Dr. Chitrannshu lives in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.

Feeling lost about which doctor to see for an intimate health concern? You're not alone! Many people get confused between urologists and sexologists. Both specialties deal with the urinary and reproductive systems, but their areas of expertise differ significantly. Choosing the right specialist - whether you're experiencing erectile dysfunction, kidney stones, irregular periods, or anything else - can make a world of difference in getting a faster diagnosis and a more effective treatment plan. This blog is here to clear up the confusion and empower you to take charge of your health! We'll explore the roles of urologists and sexologists, helping you determine the perfect fit for your needs. Let's navigate the path to optimal well-being together!   

Urologists and Sexologists: Unveiling the Expertise  

Urologists and sexologists, though both dealing with the complexity of the urinary and reproductive systems, tackle distinct areas of concern. Their expertise is as follows:  

Urogenital Specialists: The Urologist

Urologists are medical doctors specializing in the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) in men, women, and children. They diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, including:  

  • Urinary issues: Difficulty urinating, frequent urination, blood in urine, incontinence (leakage)
  • Male reproductive issues: Erectile dysfunction, infertility, low testosterone, prostate problems, kidney stones
  • Female reproductive issues: Urinary tract infections (UTIs), pelvic pain, incontinence

Do you need a urologist? Here are some signs:

Signs You Need to Consult a Urologist
  • Experiencing pain or burning during urination
  • Blood in your urine
  • Difficulty controlling your bladder (urinary incontinence)
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Noticing a decrease in urine flow
  • Pain in your lower back, pelvic area, or genitals
  • For men: Erectile dysfunction, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, unusual discharge from the penis, low sperm count
  • For women: Pelvic pain during sex, painful menstrual periods, recurring UTIs

Addressing Sexual Concerns: The Sexologist 

Sexologists are medical professionals trained in human sexuality. They address a spectrum of concerns related to sexual health, function, and satisfaction. Here's what they can help with:  

  • Sexual dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, painful sex, difficulty achieving orgasm. Sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent. According to a study, 43% of women and 31% of men are affected by it.
  • Sexual communication issues: Trouble communicating sexual needs and desires with a partner
  • Sexual health concerns: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), birth control counselling
  • Sexual orientation and gender identity exploration: Coming to terms with your sexuality, navigating challenges related to LGBTQ+ identity

Read on to know when to See a Urologist or Sexologist - Know the Difference 

Are you wondering if a sexologist is the right fit? Consider these signs: 

Signs You Need to Consult a Sexologist
  • Experiencing difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection (men)
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm (both men and women)
  • Pain during sex
  • Low libido or lack of sexual interest
  • Struggling to communicate sexual needs with your partner
  • Feeling anxious or stressed about sex

Unani & Ayurvedic Solutions

India boasts a rich heritage of traditional medicine, including Unani and Ayurveda, which have addressed sexual and urinary disorders for centuries. These systems treat a combination of these conditions called "urino-genital diseases." Unlike a urologist's approach, which might focus on diagnosing and treating specific conditions, Unani and Ayurveda believe in identifying the root cause of the problem. They consider imbalances in the body's three temperaments (doshas) – Vata (Sanguine), Pitta (Bile), and Kapha (Phlegmatic) – as a significant factor in urino-genital issues. The Unani system is well-known for its effectiveness in treating a vast array of sexual problems, including erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low libido. Ayurveda, another pillar of traditional Indian medicine, has a dedicated branch called Vajikarana (or Vrishya chikitsa) specializing in sexual and reproductive health. This holistic approach goes beyond treating symptoms and considers the individual's well-being.  

Also, read the Natural Approaches to Testicular Pain: Can Ayurveda Help? 

Seeking Help from Traditional Medicine Practitioners

While urologists and sexologists offer valuable services, some people prefer a more holistic approach. Consult a qualified practitioner to explore Unani or Ayurvedic solutions for your urino-genital concerns. They can assess your situation and recommend a personalized treatment plan based on traditional wisdom. You can check out some of the best ayurvedic medicines for urinary tract infections and ayurvedic treatment for male infertility at the HealthyBazar website. 


This knowledge empowers you to choose the best healthcare professional for your needs confidently. Experiencing physical symptoms like pain, urinary issues, or fertility concerns? A urologist is your go-to specialist. Are you struggling with sexual function, satisfaction, communication, or identity exploration? A sexologist can provide invaluable guidance. Your primary care physician can help determine the best action and may even recommend a referral. The good news is that seeking help doesn't require leaving your home. HealthyBazar offers convenient online consultations! Connect with qualified sexologists across India, ensuring you receive the support you need from the comfort of your space.  

For those seeking a holistic approach, traditional Indian medicine systems like Unani and Ayurveda offer unique perspectives. If you're interested in exploring these options, you can connect with experienced practitioners like Hakeem Mohammad Taufeeq (Unani Consultant and Sexologist with 44 years of experience) or Dr. Chitranshu Saxena (Ayurvedic Consultant with expertise in Naturopathy and 9 years of experience), at HealthyBazar today! 

Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024

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