Do you experience sneezing, runny nose, or red, watery, itchy eyes, or any other allergic reaction with weather or season change?
It eventually starts hindering your life, and unfortunately, you adjust with that tasteless life instead of working on the root cause and finding the right treatment to cure allergies.
Falling sick with the change of weather is majorly due to weak immunity during changing seasons. Drastic weather changes create doshic imbalances and need extra care and maintenance. As these imbalances incapacitate the body system, our digestive system becomes sluggish due to improper digestion.
So, to combat these allergies from the root, you have to take care of your immunity. Before that, let us see which treatment for allergies can work wonders for you, and how?
Improper digestion results in toxins, which needs to be detoxified from within to eliminate the root cause of allergies. The root removal is imperative to stop its repetitive occurrence, and for many years, Ayurveda is playing a great role in such treatment for allergies. By working on your doshas, Ayurveda can cure all your imbalances irrespective of how old the allergies are.
We all know that allergies are caused by allergens, which could be anything from a specific food ingredient, medicine, weather change, pollination, animal hair, dust to any other airborne particles. This can vary from person to person, different people are affected by different allergens and may show a different allergic reaction to it.
However, have you ever thought that is it the allergen that’s causing us the problems or if there is some issue with our body’s response system to that allergen?
Ayurveda sees allergies as a result of Asatyma (intolerance of our body), which can be hereditary or can occur at any point in time during the lifetime. The Asatyma can be a result of weak imbalanced Agni (Digestive Fire), improper lifestyle, or eating unsuitable or heavy to digest food. The undigested food gets lodged in the colon and digestive tract and create toxins.
If the diet or lifestyle which is causing the accumulation of Ama in the digestive tract is not corrected, then the toxins (Ama) can eventually travel to different organs or tissues in the body and lodge there.
If not flushed out eventually, simple Ama interacts with the organs, tissues (dhatus), or functions of the body (sub doshas), where it settles and develops into the reactive toxin called Amavisha. In turn, these reactive toxins start preventing nutrients from reaching the tissues and weakens the immune functioning. Therefore, allergies are more common in people with Ama in their system.
The Amavisha results in imbalances of any of the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, which makes the immune system hypersensitive. It is also a possibility that the allergy can be caused due to imbalance of a combination of any two doshas.
Signs of Amavisha vary depending on the part of the body where the Amavisha is located. For instance, if the Amavisha/allergen combination affects the skin, it could result in rashes, discoloration, roughness, or irritation. The same mixture in the lungs is linked to respiratory issues and Amavisha/allergens in the intestinal tract cause Gastrointestinal tract disorders.
Predominance of the body constitution
Weak digestive fire
Accumulated toxins due to indigestion
Weak immune system
The allergy may start with wheezing, headaches, dizziness, restlessness, constipation, anxiety, and earaches. Abdominal pain, flatulence, and burping are also some of the accompanying symptoms.
Vata organs like bones and colon and Vata systems like neurological and respiratory systems might be affected due to these allergies later.
Beans, bitter, dry, spicy, astringent, raw, and cold foods are considered to be the top causes of Vata related allergies. Cold, dry, and windy weather or excess stress and overactivity are also some causes of Vata type allergies.
Have mild sweet, sour, and salty tastes in your diet and avoid bitter, spice and astringent foods
Essential herbs to treat Vata related allergies – Trikatu, Triphala, Ashwagandha, Guggulu, Dashmool (ten roots), Tulsi (holy basil)
Apply hot Mahanarayan oil externally on the painful areas for a relief
Have a Vata pacifying tea
Procedure: Take 1 cup of water and add ¼ inch fresh ginger, ½ tsp lime juice, 1 small cardamom to it along with some sugar and boil.
Dosage: Enjoy the tea sip by sip once in a day for effective results.
2.) Pitta Related Allergies
The major effects of these allergies are on skin like dermatitis, and eczema, urticaria, redness, rashes, and itchiness. Acidity, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, and eye redness can also be some of the accompanying symptoms.
Reactions of acute phases might be on eyes, skin, liver, spleen and parts of the digestive system.
Sour, spicy, and salty foods are considered to be the top causes of Pitta related allergies. Hot weather and extreme sunny conditions with intake of citrus fruit and fermented food can ignite the Pitta type allergies. Also, these people have sensitive skin and are allergic to certain metals, fabric, and synthetic materials.
Try to eat green vegetables and salads, and make sure only cooked food is eaten.
Avoid going out in intense heat
Important herbs to treat Pitta related allergies – Shatavari, Guduchi, Triphala, Brahmi, Neem, Manjistha.
Herbs like rose and sandalwood can also prove beneficial for external application.
Use Essential Oils
Lavender essential oil because it has a natural antihistamine property,Peppermint essential oil as it has anti-inflammatory properties, andLemon essential oil as it works well as a natural antihistamine.
Procedure: Put some drops of these essential oils in a bowl and add a few drops of coconut oil to it & mix. Then, place some oil on your cheeks, forehead, chest, or sinuses.
The major effects of these allergies are on the respiratory system. So, cold, cough, runny nose, accumulated mucus, asthma, and sinusitis can be prominent symptoms.
Sleeping disorder and heaviness in the abdomen can also be some of the accompanying symptoms.
Sour, sweet, and salty foods along with dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt are considered to be the top causes of Kapha related allergies. Cold, rainy, and cloudy seasons can ignite the Kapha type allergies. Also, fruits like watermelon and cucumber can lead to these allergies as well.
Try to eat more astringent, spicy, and bitter foods.
Important herbs to treat Kapha related allergies – Tulsi, Pippali, Triphala, Trikatu, Guggulu.
Black pepper essential oil can be beneficial in nasal issues.
Also Read: Is Itchy and Dry Skin Treatment in Ayurveda Effective?
Have Mulethi Tea
Procedure: Take 1 cup of water and add 1 tsp mulethi to it along with some sugar and boil.
Dosage: Enjoy the tea sip by sip once in a day for effective results.
Herbal Treatment For Allergies:
You can also have Chyawanprash on a daily basis as a quick treatment for any allergies. It is a herbal jam primarily aimed at supporting the immune system. It nourishes the mucous membranes and promotes strong digestion and metabolism. It also helps in reducing Ama (natural toxins) and supports the body’s natural defenses.
Dosage: Take 1 tbsp of it with milk daily once in a day.
We hope that these preventions and cures prove useful to you. It is advised that do not self medicate. It is essential to consult a physician before starting any detoxification or medication. You can also share your health concerns here with queries and our Expert Health Consultants (Vaidh and Hakeems) will conduct a free consultation session with you.
Hope these Herbal Treatment For Allergies will work for you. Let us know if there are any other remedies that we missed and have proven beneficial for you!
Dr. Shivani Nautiyal is a renowned Ayurvedic physician, Panchakarma therapies specialist, and detox expert who has made significant contributions to the field of natural holistic healing and wellness. With her profound knowledge, expertise, and compassionate approach, she has transformed the lives of countless individuals seeking holistic health solutions. She is a Panchakarma expert, which are ancient detoxification and rejuvenation techniques. She believes in the power of Ayurveda to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.