
Published 07-04-2023

The Ayurvedic Approach to Managing Piles


The Ayurvedic Approach to Managing Piles

Dr. Shivani Nautiyal

Dr. Shivani Nautiyal is a renowned Ayurvedic physician, Panchakarma therapies specialist, and detox expert who has made significant contributions to the field of natural holistic healing and wellness. With her profound knowledge, expertise, and compassionate approach, she has transformed the lives of countless individuals seeking holistic health solutions. She is a Panchakarma expert, which are ancient detoxification and rejuvenation techniques. She believes in the power of Ayurveda to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, is a painful conditions marked by lower butt hole infection. It is characterized by swollen and inflamed veins in the anus or lower rectum. Millions of people worldwide are affected, with prevalence increasing with age. Blood in the stools, itching in the anal area, ongoing pain, and discomfort are all typical signs of piles.  

Piles can be a chronic or transitory condition. Almost everyone experiences a wide range of symptoms at some point in their lives, for a short or extended period. With age, the tissues that support the rectum and anus weaken, increasing the likelihood of piles forming. If you’re a senior it is advised to get immediate medical help.   

Can Ayurveda with its natural ailments help to cure piles? Ayurveda is an ancient medicine that has been used for thousands of years to promote health and treat various health conditions. It is based on the principle of balancing three doshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda emphasizes the use of natural remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to address the root cause of health problems.  

It's crucial to know what kind of piles one has and how to address them. The early stages of piles are typically simple and inexpensive to cure, but severe situations may call for medication or invasive surgery. 

Causes and Symptoms of Piles  

According to a study, it has been projected that 50% of the population in India, at some point in their life by they reach age 50 would have haemorrhoids. The causes of piles are multifactorial and can include various dietary and lifestyle factors. 

Some of the common causes and risk factors of piles include:  

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Sitting or standing for prolonged periods
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Consuming a diet low in fibre
  • Using too many spices in food
  • Ageing
Factors that Cause piles

Also Read: Natural Ways to Treat Diarrhea in Pregnancy  

There are two main types of piles: internal and external.  

Internal piles occur within the rectum and are not visible from outside the body. The most common symptoms of internal piles include:  

  • Bleeding after bowel movements
  • Painless rectal bleeding
  • Mucus discharge
  • Prolapse of piles through the anus

External piles occur outside the anus and can be seen and felt. The most common symptoms of external piles include:  

  • Pain and discomfort around the anus
  • Swelling and inflammation around the anus
  • Itching and irritation
  • Blood clots in the veins

In some cases, individuals may have a combination of both internal and external piles, leading to more severe symptoms. If left untreated, piles can lead to complications such as anaemia, thrombosis, and infection. It is important to seek medical advice if you experience any symptoms of piles. 

How Might Ayurveda Aid in the Treatment of Piles?  

To manage and treat piles, Ayurveda employs a thorough strategy. The three Doshas' natural balance is to be restored and preserved to improve general health.  

Moreover, several beneficial plants can be used to create potent Ayurvedic Hemorrhoid treatments. 

1. The plant Touch-me-not 

The plant is well-known for its ability to heal bleeding piles. Also known as an alkaloid called mimosine, the touch-me-not plant can reduce inflammation and help with pain management.  

Touch-me-not plants have been recommended for piles by Ayurveda practitioners and Vaidyas for ages. Applying a paste made from its leaves externally to the affected area will yield the best results. India's Ayurveda Pilogest pills include the goodness of touch-me-not and other herbs that offer comfort and even work to prevent the emergence of such issues. 

2. Triphala  

It is a mixture of three fruits that is known for its digestive and laxative properties. Triphala provides long-lasting relief from piles. When combines with Amalaki, Bhibhitaki and Haritaki one can make nutritious Triphala. The chemical present in it makes it an ideal ayurvedic medicine for relieving constipation, and there is substantially less likelihood of straining.

3. Guggul   

One of the most effective anti-inflammatory herbs in Ayurveda is guggul. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties. Also known as Balsamodendron Mukul, can quickly and effectively relieve piles while reducing inflammation and looking at internal issues. It also helps to improve blood circulation and digestion, which can further aid in the management of piles.  

Guggul can be taken in the form of capsules, tablets, or as a powder mixed with water or milk. 

4. Turmeric  

Every Indian household has turmeric in their kitchen, also known as haldi. It has a variety of cosmetic, religious, and medical purposes because of its enormous health benefits. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric is believed to be effective in managing piles due to its ability to reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and promote healing. It is an Ayurvedic treatment for constipation as it helps to regulate bowel movements and alleviate constipation, which can further aid in the management of piles.  

Turmeric can be taken in the form of capsules, tablets, or as a powder mixed with water or milk). 

Lifestyle Changes  

Ayurveda has always emphasized the importance of making lifestyle changes to manage any health condition. The mentioned modifications aim to promote healthy digestion, regulate bowel movements, reduce inflammation, and prevent the recurrence of piles.  

Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can help promote healthy digestion and improve blood circulation. Exercise also helps to alleviate stress, which can be a contributing factor to the development of piles. It is recommended to engage in moderate exercises, such as walking or yoga, for at least 30 minutes a day.  

Stress Management: Stress contributes to the development of piles by affecting digestion and bowel movements. Ayurveda recommends incorporating stress-reducing practices, such as meditation, deep breathing, or aromatherapy, into a daily routine to help manage stress and prevent the recurrence of piles.  

Avoiding Certain Foods: Ayurveda recommends avoiding certain foods that can aggravate piles and contribute to poor digestion, such as spicy and fried foods, processed foods, and red meat. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate the body and worsen constipation. Constipation is one of the leading causes of piles, try Ayurvedic medicine for constipation for better motion.  

Adequate Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids, particularly water, can help soften stools and make them easier to pass. Adequate hydration can also help reduce inflammation and promote healing. 

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Piles

Also Read: Does Food Impact Digestive Health? 


Haemorrhoids can be a painful health issue, whether you talk about the bleeding rounds to the toilet seat or the every day extra difficulties. It's essential to adopt specific lifestyle adjustments and maintain a better diet to properly manage it. Ayurvedic treatments attempt to target the underlying cause of the issue, which is frequently connected to sedentary behaviour, poor digestion, and constipation. Individuals with piles can find relief and enhance their general health and well-being by embracing Ayurvedic practices and obtaining expert advice from an Ayurvedic practitioner at Healthy Bazar.  

Last Updated: Apr 7, 2023

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