Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the fastest-growing endocrinological disorder in women of reproductive age. It is a condition where ovaries produce abnormal amounts of androgens, i.e., male sex hormones that are usually present in women in small amounts.
In PCOS, follicular growth is affected by hormonal imbalance during the ovarian cycle, resulting in affected follicles remaining in the ovary. The name describes quite a few small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) that form in ovaries. Well, this disorder varies from woman to woman. While some women with this disorder have a cyst, others with the same disorder do not develop a cyst. According to studies, the frequency of PCOS is estimated to be 6-10% worldwide and 3.7-22.2% in the Indian female population. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but many women with PCOS have insulin resistance. The insulin level builds up in the body and may cause higher androgen levels. Early diagnosis with weight loss may lower the risk of long-term issues such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Also read Natural Home Remedies for Heart Diseases.
In modern times, PCOS is increasing rapidly due to sedentary lifestyles and basic dietary habits.
The symptoms of PCOS may include -
Please note that if you have been diagnosed with PCOS, getting medical help as soon as possible is essential to prevent unwanted health risks.
The exact pathophysiology of PCOS is not yet clear. Still, some factors may increase the risk of long-term health effects, so it is better to understand the factors that contribute to PCOS, namely abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary compartment, excess androgens, anovulation, obesity, and insulin resistance.
In the context of YoniVyapadas, there are four essential conducive factors, namely unhealthy lifestyle, menstrual disorders, genetic disorders, and some divine factors responsible for the manifestation of the syndrome.
1. Mithyachara
Mithyaahara (faulty dietary habits) and Mithyavihar (abnormal lifestyle) are among the most important factors leading to PCOS. Consumption of junk food, pizza, burgers, cold drinks, spicy and greasy food, abnormal lifestyles such as bad sleeping habits (Diwaswapna, Ratrijagrana), stress, and other mansik bhawa like irshya, krodh, dwesh can lead to PCOS. Bad dietary habits and abnormal lifestyle is also a causative factor for obesity.
2. Pradushtartava
The word Aartva is applied to ovarian hormones. The menstrual blood results from the cyclic shedding of the endometrium under various hormones of the HPO axis. In women with PCOS, the ovarian area is the largest supplier of androgens. Deregulation of CYP 17, the androgen-producing enzyme in both adrenals and ovaries, maybe the central pathological mechanism that is underlying hyperandrogenism in PCOS.
3. Bija Dosha
Genetics is the root cause of polygenic and multifactorial. Several chromosol and genetic abnormalities fall under this category. As per Ayurveda, hereditary plays a vital role in the well-being of an individual. A high extensiveness of PCOS or its features in first-degree relatives indicates genetic influence.
4. Daiva
Daiva is responsible for unknown or idiopathic reasons. Every cause has its causative process, potential, and mode of action. It is a disorder involving Doshas, Vata, and Kapha along with Meda Dhatu dushti. It is an endocrinological disease affecting many systems.
Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy works on the imbalances which lead to PCOS, like slow metabolism, insulin resistance, imbalance of reproductive hormones, imbalanced fat metabolism, etc., rather than adopting a short-sighted approach of managing only the symptoms. Panchakarma helps in cleansing, detoxifying, and restoring the hormonal and metabolic imbalance that afflict women with PCOS.
1. Vamana (therapeutic emesis) is the best therapy for eliminating Kapha Dosha. Since PCOS is a metabolic disorder, Vamana is an advanced Panchakarma that helps increase the body's metabolism, thereby reducing weight and specifically affecting liver metabolism, which is the main site of hormone formation. According to Ayurveda, PCOS can be considered as Agni Vaishamyajanya Vikara (a disease caused by impairment of metabolism) in general, and Rasagni (metabolism at Rasa-Dhatu level) and Medodhatvagni (metabolism at Meda-Dhatu level) in particular, as far as dosha is concerned, it is a Kapha-Vataja disorder.
2. Virechana (therapeutic purgation) normalizes the functions of Pita and Agni. Virechana is effective in obesity, irregular or heavy periods, hormonal imbalance, skin pigmentation, and many other symptoms triggered by PCOS. It corrects the Agni, normalizes Vata, especially Apana, and maintains the normal function of hormones. Thus, Sodhana helps to eliminate the corrupted doshas and remove the Srotodushti at the rasa, rakta, mamsa, medas, and artavavahasrotas.
3. Basti (therapeutic enema) is one of the most effective Panchakarma therapy for PCOS. It boosts fertility ensuring healthy conception. Basti nourishes the reproductive system and detoxifies it at the same time. The Basti Dravya stimulates the endogenous opioids normally present in the G.I. tract. Endogenous opioids are a group of peptides that play an important role in the ovarian cycle by inhibiting GnRH secretion, and opioids also modulate other pituitary hormones. Basti involves a series of medicated enemas performed for specific days. Various Ayurvedic ghee, oil, or herb decoction is customized as per the health needs of women.
4. Nasya (nasal medication) stimulates the olfactory nerves and limbic system, which stimulates the hypothalamus, resulting in the stimulation of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) neurons and regulating the pulsatile secretion of GnRH, leading to a regular and normal menstrual cycle. The drug reaches Shringataka Marma (Siro Antarmadhyam) through the nasal route. It spreads into Shira (head) through the nose, ear, eye, and tongue, eliminating morbid doshas and promoting normal physiological function.
5. Fertility massage
Massage is an age-old therapy that relieves stress and specific problems. Gentle and vigorous abdomen massage, according to a specific pattern, helps maintain the natural function of the uterus. Fertility massage also reduces pressure in the abdomen and increases blood flow to the pelvis.
For a decade, Ayurveda has had a record of treating PCOS that specially targets fertility and helps to get pregnant naturally. Ayurveda has the best herbal medicines to control hormones. Panchakarma treatment is successful in detoxifying the body and correcting the body for further therapy or medication. After proper completion of Panchakarma protocol like Uttar Basti (Vasti), it was found that follicles divide spontaneously without hormonal injections
PCOS is a lifestyle disorder, and its increasing prevalence has become a significant health problem as it increases the incidence of infertility and metabolic syndrome, i.e. insulin resistance, diabetes, and dyslipidemia at younger ages. Early diagnosis and treatment are needed of the hour. HealthyBazar has Ayurvedic Panchakarma consultants who, with the right consultancy, will effectively cure the disease without any adverse effects.
Dr. Shivani Nautiyal is a renowned Ayurvedic physician, Panchakarma therapies specialist, and detox expert who has made significant contributions to the field of natural holistic healing and wellness. With her profound knowledge, expertise, and compassionate approach, she has transformed the lives of countless individuals seeking holistic health solutions. She is a Panchakarma expert, which are ancient detoxification and rejuvenation techniques. She believes in the power of Ayurveda to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.