पेट की सब से आम समस्याओ में से एक है गैस (Acidity) का बनना है, और कई बार इसकी वजह से दूसरो के सामने शर्मिंदा होना पड़ता है, जिनको गैस की समस्या होती है उनके लिए अनुचित समय पर और लोगों के सामने गैस पास करने का विचार सबसे बड़ा डर होता है। कई बार अत्यधिक गैस और पेट का फूलना बहुत असुविधाजनक हो जाता है। आप इसे एक बीमारी नहीं बल्कि एक सामान्य पाचन प्रक्रिया का हिस्सा कह सकते हैं। गैस का घरेलू उपाय जानने से पहले इसका कारण समझना जरूरी है। और इससे क्या क्या समस्या हो सकती है ये भी, तो आइये देखते हैं -
पेट में ज़्यादा गैस क्यों जमा होती है? इसकी अलग-अलग वजह है, जैसे - भोजन को पचाते समय और आपके पेट में जमा होने के दौरान हाइड्रोजन, मीथेन या कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड जैसी गैसों का ज़्यादा उत्सर्जन(emissions) हो सकता है। ये गैसें बहुत परेशानी पैदा कर सकती हैं।
- कई बार यह इस बात पर भी निर्भर करता है कि आप नियमित रूप से क्या खाते हैं। बीन्स, पत्ता गोभी, छोले और दाल या मीठे फलों के रस और ज़्यादा कार्ब्स (carbs) वाला खाना आसानी से पच नहीं पाता है और ये गैस की वजह बनते हैं ।
- मसालेदार भोजन करना, भोजन को ठीक से न चबाना, तनाव, बदहज़मी, जीवाणु संक्रमण और अत्यधिक शराब पीना एसिडिटी का कारण हो सकता है।
- आईबीएस एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो पेट में दर्द और मल त्याग (दस्त या कब्ज) में परेशानी का कारण बनती है। इसमें ज़्यादा गैस बनती है और पेट फूल जाता है। यह कुछ खाने पिने, दवाओं, और मानसिक तनाव से शुरू होता है। आईबीएस वाले व्यक्ति अक्सर रिपोर्ट करते हैं कि कोई भी लक्षण कई बार पता ही नई चलते हैं। ये लक्षण, जब तक बहुत गंभीर नहीं होते हैं, किसी की जीवनशैली और आहार में बदलाव के साथ इनका इलाज किया जा सकता है।
2. Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GERD) गैस्ट्रोएसोफगियल रिफ्लक्स रोग (जीईआरडी)
- जीईआरडी एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो तब होती है जब आपका खाना पेट से वापस खाने की नली में चला जाता है, इसकी वजह से सीने में जलन (एसिड रिफ्लक्स/हार्ट बर्न), पेट में एसिड का ज़्यादा बनना, या आपके गले में गांठ होने जैसा महसूस होता है। डीप फ्राई हुए खाने , चॉकलेट, कॉफी और शराब अक्सर जीईआरडी को ट्रिगर कर सकते हैं।
3. छोटी आंतों में बैक्टीरिया का बढ़ जाना (Choti Aanto Mein Bacteria Ka Badh Jana)
- आंत में बैक्टीरिया का अचानक से बढ़ जाना पेट को प्रभावित कर सकता है। बैक्टीरिया अतिरिक्त गैस बनाते हैं, जिससे आपको ज़्यादा गैस महसूस होती है। इसकी वजह से दस्त ज़्यादा और वजन भी कम होने लगता हैं।
लौंग का तेल (Laung Ka Tel)
लौंग के तेल का इस्तेमाल यूनानी चिकित्सा में पेट या पाचन संबंधी शिकायतों के इलाज के लिए किया जाता रहा है, जिसमें पेट का फूलना, गैस और बदहज़मी शामिल हैं। इसमें अल्सर से लड़ने वाले गुण भी होते हैं। भोजन के बाद एक चमच लौंग के तेल का सेवन करने से पाचन एंजाइम बढ़ सकते हैं और आंतों में गैस की मात्रा कम हो सकती है।
सौंफ (Saunf)
सौंफ को लेकर एक कप पानी में 3-5 मिनट तक उबालकर पीने से पेट का फूलना, बदहज़मी, गैस, से राहत दिलाने में तुरंत मदद करता है। इसके अलावा, इसमें जीवाणुरोधी गुण (Anti bacterial) भी होते है, और आंत की खराबी को भी दूर करता है।
अजवाइन (Ajvain)
बदहज़मी की समस्या, एसिडिटी और एसिड रिफ्लक्स की समस्या के लिए अजवायन का सेवन सबसे अच्छा इलाज है।यूनानी चिकित्सा के अनुसार, अजवाइन को एक चुटकी नमक के साथ गर्म पानी में मिलाकर खाने से अपच और पेट दर्द में काफी फायदा होता है।
कैमोमाइल चाय (Camomile Chai)
इसे कैमोमाइल के सूखेे फूलों को उबालकर बनाया जाता है। इसमें एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी और दिमाग को शांत करने वाले गुण होते हैं। भोजन से पहले और सोते समय इसे पीने से अपच, सूजन, पेट में फंसी हुई गैस कम हो सकती है और पेट में ऐंठन से राहत मिल सकती है
हींग की मालिश (Hing Ki Malish)
हींग की मालिश पेट में गैस के लिए बहुत ही अच्छी है यह बच्चो के लिए भी फायदेमंद है, हींग को पानी में डाल कर उबाल लें फिर उस को थोड़ा ठंडा होने दें, हल्के गर्म पानी की कुछ बूंदों से पेट की मालिश करने से गैस से होने वाले पेट के दर्द से राहत मिलती है।
- धीरे - धीरे खाना खाएं
- अपने भोजन को अच्छी तरह चबाएं
- एक बार में ज़्यादा भोजन ना करें, थोड़ी -थोड़ी देर में खाएं
- भोजन के बाद सीधे बैठ जाएं
- भोजन के बाद टहलें
- कमरे के तापमान वाले पीने की चीज़े लें, ज़्यादा ठंडा न खाएं - न पियें
- अतिरिक्त वजन कम करें
गैस आज के समय में एक सामान्य , लेकिन परेशानी वाली स्थिति है जो आपकी दैनिक कामो में रुकावट ला सकती है। घरेलू उपचार और जीवनशैली में बदलाव करने से इसमें राहत मिल सकती हैं। रोज़ व्यायाम के साथ खाने पीने में ध्यान रखने सें इसमें राहत मिल सकती है l हालांकि, यदि आपके लक्षणों में सुधार नहीं होता है और आप लगातार कई दिनों से गैस से परेशांन है तो आपको डॉक्टर से कंसल्ट करना चाहिए । यदि आप डॉक्टर से सलाह लेना चाहते है तो आप हमारे website www.healthybazar.com पर visit कर सकते है ।
A graduate from Hamdard University, Dr Asfiya is dedicated to providing natural treatments and comfort to every patient through her extensive knowledge and experience. In addition to medical practice, she has a passion for playing volleyball and chess.
One of the most important elements determining someone’s physical appearance is hair. Men and women worldwide constantly seek the best Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall to enhance the appearance and health of their hair.
However, due to various causes such as a poor diet, environmental factors, hormonal imbalance, or stress, we often suffer from hair issues. These issues include hair fall, premature greying, and thinning. Moreover, many commercial hair care products use many chemicals that damage not only the hair but also, potentially, the body's nervous system and endocrine system too.
Also, the products we use to treat our damaged hair often have only a superficial effect and leave the underlying causes unanswered. This is why we should consider home remedies and herbal products to take care of our hair from its roots.
A study on Chennai based population on hair fall with hair related problems among males of age 18-50 revealed the following:
Common symptoms of hair loss can vary in men and women. In women, the primary symptom of hair fall is hair loss in the parting of the head and the mid-frontal area of the scalp. For men, hair thinning on the top of the head, along with noticeable bald spots in the front, are clear indications of male pattern hair loss.
Additionally, if you find more hair than usual on the hairbrush after you brush or after washing your hair and on your pillow in the morning, these are also signs of hair loss. You may consider herbal treatment of hair fall to stop hair fall in the initial level to avoid severe loss.
There are various causes of hair fall that may vary from person to person.
Here are some common causes of hair fall:
These factors can lead to excess toxic substances in the body and cause hair fall.
According to Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall, the hair is a direct by-product of your bone tissue (marrow). It is also linked to the central nervous system and gut. This means any weakness in the bone tissue, nervous system, and digestive system’s health will naturally result in hair loss or diminishing hair growth.
In other words, the imbalance in your unique constituency or ratio (Prakriti) of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas (physical forces) will lead to the underlying issues in bone marrow, nervous and digestive systems. This, in turn, reflects in your scalp and hair.
You can understand your underlying Dosha imbalance or physiological imbalance by assessing your hair texture and the type of hair problems you have.
For example:
The Ayurvedic system is wholly based on balancing the three dosha levels – Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. According to Ayurveda texts, hair fall occurs when a Dosha imbalance occurs. Thus, it is necessary to know the patient's Prakriti to regrow hair. Diet and lifestyle are also significant factors in promoting hair growth.
There are various home remedies that not only help to control hair fall but also help to keep your hair shiny and beautiful. In addition, these remedies can be performed at home quickly due to the easy availability of the ingredients.
An egg has many ingredients like Sulphur, Phosphorus, Zinc, Iodine, etc., that control hair fall and promote hair growth.
To prepare an egg mask, follow these instructions:
This herb prevents hair loss and maintains hair sustainability. In addition, it helps soothe the scalp and eliminate any dry flakes/dandruff.
The protein and essential fats in coconut milk promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.
To prepare the milk, follow these instructions:
Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which help boost hair growth and prevent hair loss.
Eating healthy and living a balanced lifestyle is essential to keeping your hair healthy. According to Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall, a wholesome and balanced diet enriched with vitamins and minerals helps grow hair.
Following are some diet and lifestyle changes you should adopt in your life to regain your hair:
Along with diet and lifestyle changes, a few herbs help to prevent and control hair fall. These herbs enhance hair quality and make hair shiny. You can use their extracts or powders as hair masks or add them while washing your hair.
Following are the herbs to prevent hair fall:
Shikakai is a magical herb that is very beneficial for hair. It can be considered a natural hair cleanser or shampoo due to its cleansing properties. In addition, it helps to promote hair growth naturally and nourishes hair with its antioxidant properties.
How to use-
Brahmi is a very powerful herb to promote hair growth and hair quality. It is useful in preparing herbal oil that is beneficial to make your hair strong and efficient to relieve stress hormones called ‘cortisol’ and lighten your mood. It is also effective for dry and damaged scalp.
How to use-
Amla is enriched with Vitamin C, an essential element to keep hair and scalp healthy and refreshing. In addition, it is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that help strengthen hair follicles, and it helps to remove dandruff, dissolve grease and dirt from follicles.
Massaging the scalp with Amla oil can increase blood circulation. It provides essential nutrients to hair follicles to promote hair growth.
How to use-
Also Read: Neem Oil for Hair: Research, Benefits, How to Use it, and Side Effects
In modern medicine, health issues like hair fall, greying hairs, and dandruff are treated symptomatically for months of application. Ayurveda relieves these head disorders in Siraveda at the forehead region to clear obstruction channels. There are various herbs and home remedies available in Ayurveda that help to cleanse the scalp, circulate blood in hair and promote hair growth. Along with Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall, you should also consider healthy diet and lifestyle modifications to ensure speedy hair growth and nourishment. Find lifestyle tips and Ayurvedic products at HealthyBazar. All the products on-site are genuine. To treat hair fall problems and get healthier hair, one can also consult with Dr. Shivani, an Ayurvedic Consultant, and Practitioner with 3 years of experience.
Dr. Shivani Nautiyal is a renowned Ayurvedic physician, Panchakarma therapies specialist, and detox expert who has made significant contributions to the field of natural holistic healing and wellness. With her profound knowledge, expertise, and compassionate approach, she has transformed the lives of countless individuals seeking holistic health solutions. She is a Panchakarma expert, which are ancient detoxification and rejuvenation techniques. She believes in the power of Ayurveda to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.
Kidney stones are one of the most common lifestyle diseases people are suffering from these days. However, the good news is that, with the help of some home and herbal remedies, you can treat it naturally!.
In the western world, the annual incidence of Kidney Stone is about 0.5%, where a lifetime risk of developing it is about 10-15%, and it increases by 20-25% in the Middle East. In the Indian population, about 12% are expected to have urinary stones and out of which, 50% may end up with a loss of kidney functions.
Kidney stone is made of hard minerals and salt deposits that form inside the kidneys. They are also known as Urolithiasis or Nephrolithiasis. It has been a global problem affecting human beings since ancient times. It is a condition in which the crystals of uroliths/stones are present in the urinary tract and form uneven calculi.
Kidney stone is also known as calculi. These calculi can differ in size and shape, found anywhere in the urinary tract from the kidney to the bladder. Kidney stone is a significant problem in India and other developing countries. Kidney stones have generally affected 10-12% of the industrialized population.
The Patient does not identify whether he is suffering from kidney stones. After leaving the stone through the kidney, it passes to the bladder with the help of ureters. At the same time, some of the stones remain in the ureters. Further, they block the urine flow out of the kidneys and make it swell; this condition is called Hydronephrosis.
Some of the common symptoms of kidney stones are as follows:
The common causes of kidney stones include:
A slight reduction in urinary oxalate is associated with a significant decrease in the formation of calcium oxalate stones. Hence, one should avoid oxalate-rich foods like Cucumber, Green Peppers, Beetroot, Spinach, Soya Bean, Chocolate, Popcorn, and Sweet Potato. Mainly kidney stones affect the parts of the body like the kidney ureters and urethra.
More critical, kidney stone is a recurrent disorder with lifetime recurrence risk reported as high as 50%. Therefore, there is a higher chance of developing heart diseases due to kidney stones. In addition, kidney stones reduce the formation of minerals and essential elements for bone formation.
In Ayurveda, we can compare this disease with "Ashmari." Ashmari (calculi) comprises two words, i.e., 'Ashma' (stone) and 'Ari' (enemy). Ashman (calculi), called Moothrashmari (Urolithiasis), is a disease of Moothravahasrotas (urinary tract) and involves the formation of a stone. Kidney stone resulting in severe pain as given by an enemy.
Charaka, Sushrut, and Vagbhata describe it in Ashmari Vyadhi. In Asanshodhil (regular not doing Panchkarma) and Adhikari (Unwholesome Diet), person aggravated Kapha dosha mix up with Mutra (urine), enter in Basti (Kidney, Ureter, Bladder), obstruct the urinary tract, and create Ashmari. Sushrut has mentioned that those who do not undergo Panchkarma Treatment regularly, take an unhealthy diet, and follow a faulty lifestyle, are prone to recurrent kidney stones.
Ashmari is one of the diseases under Asthamahagad, i.e., challenging to cure. Ashmari is Vyadhi of Mutravaha Strotas. As Basti comes under Trimarma (three-fold of life).
There are 4 types of Ashmari described in Ayurveda:
1) Vataj Ashmari (Calcium Oxalate Stone): Vataj Ashmari is blackish, hard, irregular, rough structure, and like Kadamb flower, full of a spike. The symptoms of this kind of Ashmari are intense pain in the abdomen and anal region. In addition, they cause burning in the penis, making it difficult to excrete Vata, Mutra, and stool.
2) Pittaj Ashmari (Uric Acid Stone): Pittaj Ashmari looks like Bhallatak. Its symptoms are burning micturition and yellow urine.
3) Kaphaj Ashmari (Oxalate/ Phosphate stone): It is slimy, big, and looks Light green or white in colour. The symptoms are pain in the Urinary bladder and thighs. Acharya Sushruta, the world-first surgeon, described various types of treatment in Ashmari like Ghrut (Ghee/ Clarified butter), Kashaya (Decoction), and Kshara Bhedan (Scratching).
4) Shukra Ashmari (Spermolith) – This stone develops in the seminal vesicle due to the suppression of semen. If semen flow (Shukra Vega) is suppressed, it takes transit movement (Vimargagamana) and lodges in between penis (Medhra) and testis (Vrushana).
Ayurvedic treatment of renal stones has various therapies, including plant-based medicine, diet, and lifestyle changes.
Here are the Ayurvedic home remedies and diet recommendations to treat Kidney stones naturally:
Some Home Remedies for Kidney Stones
Include any fluid such as water, coffee, and lemonade in your diet except for grapefruit juice and soda. They are known to have a beneficial effect. This will help produce less concentrated urine and ensure at least 2.5L/day a good urine volume.
It would be best if you eliminated spinach, berries, chocolate, wheat bran, nuts, beets, and tea from your diet.
Three servings of dairy per day will help lower the risk of calcium stone formation.
Take calcium supplements regularly but only after consulting with your physician and registered kidney dietitian.
High protein intake will cause the kidneys to excrete more calcium which may cause more stones to form in the kidney. So, one should eat a moderate amount of protein.
High sodium intake increases calcium in the urine, increasing the chances of developing stones. Therefore, it would help if one had a low salt diet, and it is also important to control blood pressure.
It is recommended to take 60mg/day of vitamin C because the excess amounts of Vitamin C helps produce more oxalate in the body.
Along with the diet and lifestyle changes, you should also consider some Ayurvedic medicines. These medicines will not only help you to treat kidney stones but also help to avoid recurrence.
The following are some medicines you may consider to treat kidney stones:
The active ingredients include Hajrul Yahud Bhasma (silicate of lime), Yavakshar, Shwet Parppati, and Pashanbhed Churna. Anupan of this Kwath is Kulthi Kadha which has Kaphahar and Bhedan properties.
Dosage– 2 tsp. twice a day with water.
The active ingredients included are Nagarmotha (Root), Sounth (Rhizome), Kali Marich (Seed), Pippali (Fruit), Haritaki (Fruit), Bibhitaki (Fruit), Amla (Fruit), Shudh Guggul, Gokharu (Panchang). In addition, Gokshuradi Guggulu acts as an Antispasmodic and an Antibiotic. It has a Diuretic (Mutral) property.
Dosage – 2 tablets twice a day with water.
Its active ingredients include Varun, Pashanbheda, Sunthi, and Gokshura. Varunadi Kwath is Diuretic in action. In addition, it has a penetration (Bhedan) activity. So, it helps to disintegrate the stone.
Dosage – 2 tsp thrice a day with a half cup of water.
Dos and Don'ts
Also Read: Constipation: Causes, Triggers, and Treatment with Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, lifestyle modification through diet, internal medicines, and Basti therapy is highly effective in managing renal stones. In addition, proper counseling and guidance should be provided to kidney stone patients, including Pathya – Apathya (dietary management) correlation with Ashmari management. Furthermore, home Remedies for Kidney Stones can help prevent further complications and recurrence of the disease. Find lifestyle tips and Ayurvedic products at HealthyBazar. All the products on-site are genuine, and one can also consult with the best Ayurvedic and Unani doctors.
Dr. Shivani Nautiyal is a renowned Ayurvedic physician, Panchakarma therapies specialist, and detox expert who has made significant contributions to the field of natural holistic healing and wellness. With her profound knowledge, expertise, and compassionate approach, she has transformed the lives of countless individuals seeking holistic health solutions. She is a Panchakarma expert, which are ancient detoxification and rejuvenation techniques. She believes in the power of Ayurveda to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.